Isla Breeze

Privacy policy

The provision of the services of necessarily involves the processing of the personal data of its clients. also needs to have your personal data for commercial communication actions regarding your contacts, when you are interested in our services.

In accordance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, and the legislation of data protection in force in Spain, informs you of the processing thereof and expresses in this policy the conditions as responsible for the treatment.

  • Alberto José Barrio Garcia from now
  • C/La Rosa,59. 35212 Telde. Las Palmas de G.C.

For communication purposes the company address will be:

To contact the data protection officer: Email:

Purpose of the collection and processing of personal data

We inform you that your personal data will be processed by the company that collected your data, in order to present you an offer and manage the requested service in the event of contracting or purchasing.

You may be sent electronic advertising about offers, promotions and recommendations from the different member entities of, as well as the entities you represent, if you authorized it at the time of collecting the information. your data, through explicit and affirmative consent or if you are or have been a client of

Likewise, in some cases, surveys and statistical studies will be carried out on clients.

Personal Data that will be processed

Personal data is understood to be data that identifies you or could be used to do so. The data to be processed by within the framework of the relationship with the interested party and conditional on the agreed purposes, are included in the following categories:

-Identification and contact data, for example: name, surname, telephone number or email.
-Commercial information data based on the indications received.
-Those data strictly necessary for the provision of the service that you have contracted with

When do we collect your Personal Data?

Mostly, but not limited to, your data may be collected when it is provided to us via web form, receipt of emails or through the formalization of contracts.

Communication and destination of data.

The data of the interested party may be communicated to exclusively for the indicated purposes. They may also be transferred in cases where there is a legal obligation to the competent authorities.

Legal basis that legitimizes the processing of personal data

The legal basis that legitimizes the treatments is the execution of the contract in the case of contracting or your interest in similar services of if you have been a client previously.

Your explicit consent granted to be able to personalize and communicate the budget in the case of a request for an offer and your explicit consent in the event that there is no previous contractual relationship.

Retention period of your personal data

The personal data provided will be kept as long as they are necessary to respond to the contractual relationship, to respond to the requests or requests made, and in any case as long as the deletion is not requested by the interested party, as well as the time necessary to comply with the the legal obligations that correspond in each case according to each type of data.

Rights of interested parties in relation to their personal data

You have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request rectification of your data, if you consider that it is not accurate. Deletion can also be requested in situations where they are no longer relevant for the purposes for which they were collected.
You may object to the processing of your data, if given your personal circumstances it is plausible and appropriate. In such case, will stop processing the data except for legitimate reasons, such as complying with legal obligations or defending possible claims.

In certain circumstances, clients or interested parties may request the limitation of processing, so that will only reserve and use them in cases authorized by Law.

You can request the portability of your data: The right to portability consists of collecting your data in a structured format in electronic format for direct transmission of the same to other controllers. Likewise, you will be able to receive them, to store them on the devices you consider appropriate, without the need to transmit them to other responsible parties.

The interested party may exercise their rights by sending an email to the address attaching a photocopy of the DNI or digital certificate and indicating the motivation and the right you wish to exercise.

You have the right to present a claim related to the processing of your personal data before a Control Authority, ( Especially if he believes that his rights have not been taken care of. However, provides you with a direct channel with the Data Protection Officer to respond to your requests: You can send an email to

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